Revolution 250 Podcast
Revolution 250 is a consortium of organizations in New England planning commemorations of the American Revolution's 250th anniversary. https://revolution250.org/Through this podcast you will meet many of the people involved in these commemorations, and learn about the people who brought about the Revolution--which began here. To support Revolution 250, visit https://www.masshist.org/rev250Theme Music: "Road to Boston" fifes: Doug Quigley, Peter Emerick; Drums: Dave Emerick
Podcasting since 2020 • 237 episodes
Revolution 250 Podcast
Latest Episodes
Arlington 250 Stories; Menotomy on April 19
Some of the bloodiest fighting on April 19, 1775 happened in the village of Menotomy, the community lay along the main road from Cambridge to Concord. It had numerous mills, taverns and a meetinghouse and burial ground along this road, so...
Season 5
Episode 10

Concord People & Stories of the American Revolution
There is a lot of focus on the events of April 19, 1775, events that set in motion America's call for Independence from Great Britain. Securing our independence took 8 long years of war. What is the impact of the war for American in...
Season 5
Episode 9

Divided Families of Marblehead and Halifax with G. Patrick O'Brien
"Place is of very little consequence," Mary Sewall of Marblehead wrote to her sister in Nova Scotia in 1799," except as it brings you near to those whom by nature you are most nearly allied." The Sewall sisters had been separated by war, ...
Season 5
Episode 8

Stories from Lynnfield with Alan Foulds
As word spread of the British march to Lexington and Concord, communities from all over Massachusetts and greater New England responded. Historian Alan Foulds tells us about the Lynn End (now Lynnfield) militia, who were warned by m...
Season 5
Episode 7

Leslie's Retreat with Charlie Newhall & Jonathan Streff
Acting on intelligence that the Provincial militia had cannon in a Salem blacksmith shop, Beneral Thomas Gage sent Lt. Colonel Alexander Leslie and the 64th Regiment of Foot to Marblehead and then to Salem to find the weapons. We talk with Char...
Season 5
Episode 6