Revolution 250 Podcast
Revolution 250 Podcast
Politics and Fashion in the Revolution with Kimberly Alexander
Protests against British policy involved more than angry speeches--Amricans changed what they wore and how they bought their clothes. Kimberly Alexander from the University of New Hampshire tells us about how Americans began fashioning their own clothing. In addition to two books on fashion: Treasures Afoot: Shoe Stories from the Georgian Era, and Fashioning the New England Family, which grew out of an exhibit at the Massachusetts Historical Society, Professor Alexander and her students have created the Flax Project, growing flax and producing linen, as a way to experience the fabric of 18th-century life.
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is a consortium of about 70 organizations in Massachusetts looking at ways to commemorate the beginnings of the American Revolution.
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And our guest today is Kimberly Alexander, who is the director of museum studies and also a lecturer in history at the history department at the University of New Hampshire.
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And you are the author of two really interesting, good books, Fashioning the New England Family, which comes out of an exhibit you co-authored
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as well as Treasures of Foot, Shoe Stories from the Georgian Era.
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Again, you really, I guess you do, I'm really bludgeoning your introduction.
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You're dealing with material culture and what people wore and why it was important.
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We know a lot of that is essential to the revolutionary period.
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So Kimberly, thanks for joining us.
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Well, thank you for having me.
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I'm thrilled to be here with you today.
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And hello, all of those of you who are listening in.
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And so let's just start with fashion and what people wore, what not to wear.
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I mean, it becomes a political issue, what people were wearing.
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It absolutely does.
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And I think one of the reasons I have liked and enjoyed working on this topic, it's actually been, I guess, I don't know, at least 15 years now or more, is because we can relate to that today.
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You know, if you wear a red...
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MAGA hat, if you wear a pink pussy hat, if you wear pride colors, what you're wearing says a lot about what you're thinking and what you represent.
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So this is not something that's a new idea.
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And I think in terms of relevance today, we can really understand that.
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Even who you buy your clothes from, you know, if you're interested in sustainability or if you do or don't like the politics of a certain company.
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These were the same things that the patriots and loyalists were grappling with going really back into the 1760s.
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Pretty hardcore stuff going on.
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Yeah, it becomes an issue.
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I mean, Franklin talks about this.
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session before the Parliament in 1766.
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Well, one of the wonderful things, being a Franklin fan myself, and you'll recall that Franklin wanted people to be developing their own textiles.
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And Franklin and others were interested in silk and flax and wool.
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Jefferson, obviously, the same with wool.
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So the importance of fibers for self-sufficiency was long understood to be important.
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But Franklin's role in the repeal of the Stamp Act, I spent a lot of time talking about that in my book.
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in Treasures Afoot because one of the major industries that was exporting product to the colonies were the shoemakers out of London.
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And in fact, there's one shoemaker in particular named John Hose in London, who was at Cheapside on Milk Street, who was selling thousands and thousands of pairs of shoes to American colonists.
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And he is actually mentioned by name in the Newport Mercury in 1764 and 1765 as an example of the type of product
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that American women should not be buying.
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Why is that?
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Because they were putting money in the coffers of British merchants and ultimately into the parliament instead of supporting their own neighbors.
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And they say that in these ads.
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The newspaper, so many of the examples that I'm going to share with you today come right out of the newspapers of the time.
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And so these are the ads that were being run
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the op-ed pieces, some signed, many not.
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But so this particular author was telling women, and women actually end up playing a very important role.
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They tend to be the target audience for a lot of the advertisements, and telling women to give up their fripperies, their gigas, those are the words used at the time, and don't support Mr. Ho's.
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and his cadre of apprentices when you can support the locally made shoes of Hall
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and so and so.
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So you see this as early as about 1764, and it just heats up from there.
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And so what happens is Hose, and he's the example I'm going to get back to with Franklin, because John Hose boasts that at one point he has over 300 people working for him.
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So he's a major employer.
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He is both employing
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London peace workers, cord wainers.
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He's sending his products.
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So there's money coming in.
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So he actually testifies the same day that Franklin does.
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And he says...
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And so Franklin is very we know that Franklin ends actually with this very powerful quest.
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He's asked, what do the Americans want from us in regard to the Stamp Act?
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And Franklin says they will wait.
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And I'm paraphrasing here.
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They will wait until they can make their own new clothes.
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rather than buy from you essentially is what he's saying.
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But as strong as his words were, there was a whole contingent of British tradespeople who also testified, including John Hose.
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And John Hose says, and I think his testimony probably carried more weight than Franklin's.
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He says in front of parliament in his testimony, he says, I used to have 300 workers
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My I've now only have 40.
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and my business is destroyed.
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If you get a whole bunch of very well-known, respected tradespeople telling you that your economy is sinking because you have this, and that you need to repeal the Stamp Act, and that's what Ho said, you need to repeal the Stamp Act.
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So I know some scholars in the past have felt like things like the trade embargoes and things didn't make a huge difference, but my evidence actually shows something
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quite different.
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It's just very under the surface.
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The shoes are only one example of many.
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So, Kimberly, you have Hose with this big operation.
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Were there comparable operations in the American colonies?
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How were Americans making shoes?
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Well, that's the wonderful thing.
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Even Hose's boast about 300 seems high, even for a London outfit.
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But the...
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idea of the small local shoemaker, cord wainer, is really what we've come away with.
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But there were some exceptions to that.
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Now, the thing that we always need to think about with fashion is what's happening before the revolution and what's happening right after.
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Because there were major strides that were made in linen manufacturing.
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There was a linen manufacturing in Boston by 1765.
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There was a broadcloth factory in Roxbury by 1767.
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You had Lynn churning out thousands of pairs of shoes.
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Even George Washington mentions that before the revolution, they'd been creating boots and shoes.
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Lynn was probably one of the larger sites and was able to produce more shoes than other places.
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So the North Shore has always had a sort of a connection.
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The North Shore of Massachusetts.
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But heading up into New Hampshire, and I do a lot of work with a New Hampshire shoemaker whose name was Sam Lane, who kept like 60 years worth of almanacs and diaries.
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and he lived right in Stratum, New Hampshire.
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And he, his output of shoes was substantial, but nothing approaching hose.
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And the thing- Did he produce them by himself or did he have other piece work?
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He had apprentices and his family.
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And the other thing that he did, and this is another thing that really flies under the radar screen, is he had his friends and neighbors who would do piece work.
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In other words, sewing together uppers
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or putting together heels, stacked leather heels for men's shoes, that they would do during the winter.
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And he would then put them together.
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So it's a much more widespread sort of arrangement that we find in these New England towns.
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And it's everywhere.
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And so the difference of someone like Hose is he's in an urban area, he's focused just on shoes.
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But we find many of the New England shoemakers were also
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farming or we're surveying.
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And so somebody like Samuel Lane in Stratum, New Hampshire, and his papers, by the way, are at the New Hampshire Historical Society.
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Many of them have been digitized.
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It's a treasure trove, if any of your listeners are interested.
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But so Sam Lane is doing a lot of other things, too.
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He is tanning hides.
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not necessarily buying in leather.
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He's doing this himself because he'll buy the hides from his neighbors, the Barkers down the street who have a farm.
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And you start to see this incredible network.
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I'm starting to sort of look at the geography between these different farmsteads and the names involved.
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So you have Sam Lane who is getting his rye from Barkers.
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And he's doing and somebody else is coming.
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And he's, for example, one of my favorite instances is Sam Lane wants to expand his house.
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So he hires a house right.
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And the wonderful thing about Sam Lane, he left notes about everything.
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So he hires the house, right?
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And the terms of the agreement are he's going to pay him $50 or 50 pounds in cash.
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And the rest of it is going to be paid in his shoes.
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So they were valued like money.
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And that's something else that we find in these
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in the 17th and 18th century in probate inventories is that textiles had a cash value on the street.
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So even if you just bought a bit and a bob and put it away for a rainy day, it could still come back when you needed cash if you were on hard times.
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We're talking with Kimberly Alexander, who's the director of Museums.
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University of New Hampshire.
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And talking generally about what people wore, fashion, we started really with this elemental idea of who made things.
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But then one of the great documents that recently came to light in the Houghton Library was this non-importation agreement signed in the protest of the Stamp Act.
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Can you tell us a bit about actually the Townsend Acts?
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It's a fascinating document.
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It is a fascinating document.
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And there, again, going back to this idea that these non-importation agreements didn't make a difference, 650 Boston residents signed this document.
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And that was signed in 1767, October 1767 at Faneuil Hall.
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And the list of items that were forbidden
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was also winter pages.
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It included everything from, and I'm going to mention this specifically because if we have time, I'll come back to it, something like kidskin gloves, right?
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But also certain types of obviously distilled spirits, all manner of different sort of British made textiles.
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And people signed on to this, but some of them only did it for a certain amount of time because they were not sure which way things were going to go.
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So some people signed on for six months or a year and so on.
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The other thing that I found fascinating in that document that I'm also currently looking at the sort of the geography of where the signers were from in Boston.
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We all know Boston was an eminently walkable and small city.
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But there are many women who also signed, women business owners who signed this agreement.
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And it's fascinating.
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Many of them were plants women and had their own small millinery shops and things like that.
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And most of them, from my initial research, did not necessarily make it through the revolution to restart their businesses.
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petition to with London dressmakers, hat makers.
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But it, and it also would have hurt their, the thing is it hurts your supply chain, right?
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Because so a lot of the women who also signed this agreement were people who special women who specialized in seeds and plants.
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So if your source is cut off from England and people are used to having certain types of, uh, uh,
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foods, you know, you're actually making a major statement about your livelihood.
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And I think that's something that we don't often understand.
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It's not like people can just, you know, necessarily pick up and process all of this.
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So this is a really big deal and a commitment.
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It is.
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It really is.
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And one of the other things you see developing in this period, or you've pointed out, is the difference in things people are purchasing or fashions they're wearing.
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Patriots versus loyalists.
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So what can we learn about fashion from what people are choosing not to wear or to wear?
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Well, I mean, there's a tremendous amount of...
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of material on things that are being homespun, handmade.
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And there's a tremendous amount that has been written on that.
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One of the things that I also see is the reuse.
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When I was doing the research for
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treasures afoot, I kept looking at shoes and noticing that probably out of the thousand pair of shoes that I looked at over time and have continued to look at, probably 75% of them have been altered in some way.
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And most of them fall within that time period from 1765 to
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until the 1780s.
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And so they're still adapting, but they're keeping the old shoe.
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Because once you've made the purchase, it's not like you're buying something new.
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You're not going against the trade embargoes or the non-intercourse agreements.
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but you are having them repaired, fixed, updated if you can, and so on.
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So I noticed a tremendous amount of alteration in shoes.
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But there are little things that also come up to the surface.
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We all know about William Dawes.
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This is actually one of my favorites.
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So we know William Dawes is a third rider, Paul Revere, right?
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But what people may not know is that when, actually, I'd like to, this is a quote that's so perfect.
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If you don't mind, I'd like to share it with you.
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So when William Dawes was a tanner by trade, a leather worker, and he ultimately had a shop, a small business.
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But when he was 23, he married Mehitable May,
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He was 23.
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She was 17.
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She was from Roxbury, as I recall.
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And around the same time, so in 1767, Roxbury had opened a broadcloth factory where they were manufacturing their own home cloth.
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wool coats, broadcloths, which they touted as being as good as any you could buy from England.
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There's a lot of really strong language, too, in these advertisements that say that's as cheap or as good as any that you're going to find in England.
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Shoe ads and clothing ads and so on.
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So May 3rd of, let's see, of 1768, Dawes and Mehitabal may get married.
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Now, he's an artisan tradesperson, and they didn't tend to do wedding announcements the way that we think of it today.
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You don't find a lot of those.
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But what we do know is that his wedding was enough to be listed in history.
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a contemporary newspaper.
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And this is what we know.
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He wore a suit of American woven cloth.
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And the newspaper, and this is the quote, said that, I quote, dressed wholly in manufacturers of this country, wherein he did honor to himself and merits the respect of his province.
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So this is really... Wait, does it say anything about what the bride wore?
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No, nothing.
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Nothing about what the bride wore.
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So so this is a really telling, I think, sort of watershed moment.
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And, you know, and this is right out of the newspaper and the fact that it captured people's imagination.
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Now, I don't know if it was from the Roxbury newspaper.
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factory, but I think we can probably speculate, especially as Mehedabal was from Roxbury and because Dawes was such a patriot that this would have made a lot of sense to him.
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So that's a great example of what a patriot could be doing.
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We even find, if you go through John Hancock's inventory, John Hancock, in my humble opinion, has gotten, I think because of the biographers who wrote about him in the early 19th century,
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disdained him for a variety of reasons, but as a peacock and so on and so on.
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But if you actually go through some of his surviving records, you find that he's buying as much as he can from local tailors.
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He buys a pair of breeches from a tailor in Boston.
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He's buying his shoes.
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Now, Dorothy is a different story.
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His wife is a different story.
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She's still wanting some of the fancier.
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We talked to Brooke Barbier a couple of weeks ago who's written a new book about Hancock, which I think will put him in a different light.
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That's interesting that Dorothy Quincy is buying things from the fashion while he's
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getting locally made.
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It's complicated.
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And as they say, even the Crimson suit that is likely his inauguration suit that's at Revolutionary Spaces has had a lot of wear and remaking.
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And the brilliant tailor, Henry Cook, has done, I think, a replication of that.
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So Dawes is a good example of the type of what the patriots were trying to accomplish.
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And then if you look at
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the loyalists.
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So if I could use, I'm just going to use one example for each because I know we don't have a lot of time.
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So you may recall Reverend Mather Biles.
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Who was ousted from his pulpit because of his loyalist leanings and
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ended up under house arrest and all that.
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Well, one of the main items, as I mentioned, that was included in the non-importation agreements were kids' skin gloves coming from London.
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So when I was doing research with Anne Bentley at the Massachusetts Historical Society for Fashioning the New England Family,
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We found a pair of white kidskin gloves that had come down through the Mathers family.
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There's an extensive collection.
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And I don't know if anyone had opened them before, but we looked and inside was a stamp that said they were the finest kidskin from London.
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And they were stamped by Richard Inman, another loyalist.
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So you have Biles buying blatantly, purchasing something that is not deemed appropriate by the Patriots, and he's buying it from a fellow loyalist, which makes sense.
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So people are going to be going to shop
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in places that meet their political needs.
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Those are just two examples.
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There are many more.
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But I thought that was a good one.
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And then another example that sort of shows what happens when you get caught up in all of this is Isaac and Mary Vibrant.
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And there's a fascinating piece I came across when I was doing my shoe research.
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It's a broadside that was put in a newspaper with a merchant, Isaac Vibrid.
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It's 1770, so it's right as thick of things, where he's saying that he's protesting the fact that somebody had published
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actually had put up broadsides around town saying that he was a loyalist and that he had taken tea, had purchased tea from the shop of, I think the last name was Jackson's shop.
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And he said, I did not and I never would.
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So he's taken out an ad.
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to say that he would never do that and that it must have been somebody who wanted to injure his reputation in this good town and so on and so on.
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And he said, and if this is not enough of an account to prove it to you, my wife, Mary and I will take an oath
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before a judge to this point.
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And he says at the very end, the only reason she stopped by Jackson's shop was to pick up some shoes that were made in Lynn.
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And Lynn shoes are the code for Patriot shoes that you can buy, right?
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So this is the level of which things are happening.
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And so people may think that fashion, well, what does it really matter?
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Well, it does.
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It matters a lot.
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We're talking with Kimberly Alexander from the University.
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and also a lecturer in history and has worked with a lot of museums in New England and done two really interesting books about fashion, one on shoes and one on fashion more generally.
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Now, were there specific things that people might or might not wear to signal their political allegiance?
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Did fashion change as a result of all of this?
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Well, I mean, fashion, after the American Revolution, I mean, fashion undergoes the whole age of revolutions between then the French Revolution.
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Fashion changes just dramatically because of technology, because of philosophical reasons, for example.
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One example people like to cite is this move away from fashion
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these very luxurious silks and textiles and high-heeled shoes so that you're more on level with everyday people.
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But I also think that the founders were looking so much towards Greece and Rome in their architecture and their politics and what they were reading.
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I think that the clothing
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sort of transform somewhat naturally into what we think of as the Pierre style and the more tightly fitted frock coats.
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But there's always been a huge difference between what the elite and the everyday person to wear.
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or had options to wear.
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And it changes again when you get to those who were enslaved and then those who were free.
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So it's a very, very complex subject.
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And then there are issues of things like what we would call today what sort of appropriation.
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Some of the shoemakers' day books, I find the shoemakers making something that they call moccasins, which were moccasins.
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But I don't have any visual examples of what they intended.
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I assume they were a soft leather shoe boot, but I don't know.
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And that shows up in dozens of New England books.
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So the style definitely changed.
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It became simpler also.
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But you also have technology changing after the Revolution.
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So as I mentioned, you already had a linen manufacturing, broadcloth manufacturing, carding mills and wool mills.
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Then you have this hiatus during the war.
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People often think that, you know, post-revolution in America, then everything went crazy.
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Actually, the seeds were already well-seeded beforehand.
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And so it just, and the non-reliance on foreign imports continued to be
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a very important part well into the 19th century.
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So you're having technology is speeding up.
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Ideology is changing.
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Even work life is, you know, is changing and things like that.
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Now, one of the really interesting projects you've been involved in UNH is actually creating flax.
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You have a flax farm and you're, can you tell us a bit about the flax project?
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How long do you have?
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I know we don't have that long.
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But this spring, for the first time, I taught a class called From Homespun to Fast Fashion, A Global History of Textiles.
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And it was a combined class of grads and undergrads.
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And I spent a lot of time talking about natural fibers at the beginning of the class.
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And we spent a few days talking about linen.
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And one of my graduate students, Sophie McDonald said, wouldn't it be great if we could actually grow it ourselves?
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And I thought about what she said.
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And I thought, well, we're at a school with an agricultural background, you know, we're a land grant college, university.
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And so I talked to our chair, Kirk Dorsey.
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He was behind it.
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And the next thing you know,
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We were working with a sustainable agriculture program, and I was doing research on flax.
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I've been working with Mennonite communities and Harmonist communities.
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We've now a field of beautiful flax growing.
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One of the things that I found in my research for General John Montgomery
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up in Haverhill, New Hampshire for the book I'm currently working on, is that often you planted rye and flax together because they germinated at the same time.
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So we're planting a field.
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We also have, in addition to the flax, we have rye, cotton, rice, indigo.
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So we're trying a number of different things, but the flax is definitely going well.
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And we are now doing research into New England Day books and looking at all different types of references to flax in terms of gender and work, in terms of barter and sale.
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And this is speculation, but I'm going to put it out there anyway, Bob, if you think that's all right.
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I think that what I'm finding is that the growth of flax, you could grow a lot in a very small area.
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But it was usually in your yard, your door yard.
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And it seems to me that it was not considered to be a commodity by the British.
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And so I'm starting to see this that flax had always been important to the family used for so many things.
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Um, but, uh,
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I'm starting to see an increase in orders of flax seed in the 1750s, 60s, and 70s.
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Now, I don't have enough data to say that with full confidence.
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But I think what we may find is that, and of course, as I mentioned, there was a linen manufacturing that was taking the flax and making it into cloth in Boston.
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So clearly, there is something, I think, there.
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So just to tell you where we're headed with this.
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So it's not only experiential from growing the flax, we are now learning how to spin.
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One of my students is making a flax break.
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We're gonna be reading it, which is the hardest part I gather.
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What's a flex break?
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A flex break is what you need to actually break down the woody sort of fibers.
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And then you have to red it.
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You have to get it wet.
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I mean, the process of this is, it is not easy.
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And so we're designing a flax break.
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We went to the Woodman Museum in Dover, took measurements.
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And so we're doing that.
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We're reading the account books.
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And we're also locating collections that have examples of homespun linen.
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Particularly, I've been able, we've been able to locate a few with, that are actually connected to the women who made them, which is very exciting because that's kind of, again, this is something that's very much under the usual sort of economic, you know, markers.
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Right, right.
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Yeah, because Franklin mentions how the lambs are not growing up into sheep.
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But flax, is that something that primarily women would have been involved in the production?
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Well, that's one of the things that we're looking at.
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And one of the reasons I think the revolution was important for women in flax, there tended to be, if the men were planting the field, they would plant the flax and often do the harvesting, which is definitely challenging.
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And then at that point, it was taken over by, generally by women.
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to do the flax break, the redding, and then breaking it down into what was toe fiber or toe cloth, very rough.
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and then it could be different grades for different purposes.
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But one of the things that I'm looking at right now is, so what happens when all the men are off fighting?
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Now the women are dealing with the flax as well.
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And so I'm very interested in seeing how this plays out.
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We also find, I did some research
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planting a flax here at my house, some of it in absolutely garbage soil to see it come up.
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And then I did some in very nice soil, and then we have some at the farm.
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Because I'd like to know, could everybody really
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pretty much count on a crop of flax.
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And also, how much did it take to make one linen shirt or one record shelf?
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So I hope by the end of the year, we got funding from the UNH Humanities Council for this project.
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And I hope by the end of the year, so it'll be spring of 2023, we'll be able to have answers to many more of these questions.
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So how is your flax doing that you planted in your yard?
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Well, it's doing great.
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Even the stuff that I planted in just a bunch of junk soil that's filled with roots and next to the driveway and it's coming up.
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I can't believe it.
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So it does.
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So I think that's an important part of what we're doing with this experiment.
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But one of my grad students went to a spin in the other day.
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She's already mastered spinning.
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So spending is when you turn it into threat.
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And so we're hoping ultimately one of, one of our PhD candidates has been doing a lot of work with linen and the French and Indian war and what the soldiers were wearing.
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So my, my goal is that we would be able to replicate a man's shirt for him.
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Jonathan points out that
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It would also be domestic linen, too, since it is the dollar.
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So, yeah.
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Well, and the thing that's great about linen is it was important during World War I. And then you see it was very important during World War II.
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There's some wonderful British Pathé paintings.
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film clips of linen being processed, first the flax being grown and harvested and then processed for the war effort in the 40s.
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So I'm also working with a victory garden at a museum from the 40s, and we'll be planting linen there too.
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Or planting flax, sorry, and hopefully producing linen.
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How are the rice and cotton doing up in New Hampshire?
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I don't know, we'll have to see.
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So far the cotton's not, I don't know.
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Look, it's taken.
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I just, I don't know if it's gonna have long enough, but that's, you know, our Professor Becky Seidman, who is our contact with sustainable agriculture, has really, is handling the rice
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indigo and cotton part of this.
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But our ultimate hope is that the indigo might take off and we would actually be able to dye our flax with New England grown indigo, which would be pretty phenomenal.
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We've been talking with Kimberly Alexander, who is director of...
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Sorry, Bob.
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I think that might be a good signal that it's time for us to call this a day and have you
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So thank you to Kimberly Alexander, and thank you to Justin Lane, our producer, and our listeners in different places.
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And every week, I thank folks who are tuning in.
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And if you're in one of these places,
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Revolution 250 magnets.
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Maybe by the time this is done, we can send a linen tea towel or something made with linen from UNH.
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So I want to thank folks in Leawood, Kansas, Nassau in the Bahamas, Leesburg, Florida, San Jose in Long Beach, California, Frankfurt in Germany, and Williamsport, Pennsylvania, and all places beyond and between.
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Thanks for joining us.
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Now we'll be piped out on